Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management Performance And Project Success - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Management Performance And Project Success? Answer: Introducation The division of the work among two TE would help in decreasing the duration of the activity by 5 days. However, the overall duration of the project would be unchanged. The individual duration of the activities would change as the over allocated work required to be done by one person in 10 days would be done in 10 days only by two people considering both are equally skilled and work equally. Since the project activity had a management of 10 days and it was over allocated. Hence, the project end date would be unchanged. Discussion of relation The theory of mythical man month has explained that the concept of project management is irrespective of number of people employed in the activity. If the task is already late, then involving one more person would not make is early. Similarly the allocation of one more resource would be helpful for overcoming the issue of over allocation and it would not change the duration of the project. Resolving Resource Allocation The issues of resource allocation (over allocation) have been dealt by adding predecessors to the project and ensuring that the project would run without any issue of resource over allocation. The addition of the predecessors in 1.2 Project kick off meeting, 1.3 Stakeholder identification, 2.4 Business requirements, 2.5 Story board design, 10.1 Lessons Learnt, 10.2 Close procurement, 10.3 Release project team, and 10.4 Finalise and archive project documentation have helped in dealing with the overall issues of resource allocation. Changes in the project The duration of the project changed from 175 days to 190 days that means the end date of the project shifted from 6/4/18 to 6/25/18. Memo for the project The project would be completed in 190 days and the end date would be Monday, 6/25/18. The requirement analysis and prototype designing are the main activities that have taken so much time for completing the project successfully. If time was the critical factor, then the parallel activity run could be followed for reducing the probability of occurrence of issues in the project. The direct labour cost is give below, Resource Name Cost Project Manager $30,400.00 Business Analyst $20,800.00 App Developer $92,480.00 Test Engineer $23,040.00 Project Officer $4,320.00 Marketing Officer $15,600.00 Total Direct Labor Cost $186,640.00 Missing Activity from the project The government approval and gaining rights and patent of the applications are the missing activities of from the planning of the project. Changes on the project duration The changes on the project duration are, Change Impact on Project duration (Longer / Shorter / No Impact By how much Explanation Change in person-days required for 7.1 7.2 Longer 5 days Both the activities run in parallel and hence extending both the activities would increase the overall duration of the project by 5 days Allocation of All 3 AD to 7.1 7.2 No Impact NA It would remain the same as overall duration and cost of the project activity would be same Change in person-days required for 9.1 Increase 3 days the activities would increase the overall duration of the project by 3 days Allocation of BA to 9.1 No Impact NA It would remain the same as overall duration and cost of the project activity would be same Changes on the direct labour costs Change Impact on Direct Labour Costs (More / Less / No Impact By how much Explanation Change in person-days required for 7.1 7.2 More $ 6,800.00 The increase in the person day requirement from 10 to 15 would tend to increase the overall cost by the said amount Allocation of All 3 AD to 7.1 7.2 No Impact NA It would remain the same as overall duration and cost of the project activity would be same Change in person-days required for 9.1 More $1,800.00 The increase in the person day requirement from 10 to 15 would tend to increase the overall cost by the said amount Allocation of BA to 9.1 More $ 7,800.00 Allocation of resource would tend to increase the overall expenses of the project Status Report Project Name: The Binco Project Status Report: SRPM003562 Project Manager: Status as of: 1/26/18 End of Week: 18th Earned Value Figures PV EV AC SV SVI CV CPI BAC EAC VAC $71,360 $71,360 $71,360 $0 $0 $0 $0 $195,240 $195,240 $0 Project Description The project is about development of a mobile application and its implication for the Milestone Status Milestone Description Week scheduled (baseline) Date scheduled (baseline) Week date Reached M1 Initiation Gate: Charter approved 1 Thu 10/5/17 M2 Functional requirements approved 9 Thu 11/30/17 M3 Design Gate - ART detailed design approval 18 Thu 2/8/18 M4 Prototype Development Complete 21 Thu 2/22/18 M5 Release 1 Development complete 19 Mon 10/2/17 M6 Go-live Gate Go-live approved by Project Board 34 Wed 5/23/18 M7 Completion Gate - Project final report approved by Project Board 39 Tue 7/3/18 M8 Post Project Review Report Approval 39 Thu 7/5/18 Status Summary Schedule Planned finish date (from Gantt chart): Thu 7/5/18 Current estimated finish date (from tracking Gantt chart): Thu 7/5/18 The planned cost to date: $71,360 The actual cost to date: $71,360 The earned value to date: $71,360 Schedule Variance: $0 The actual cost to date: $71,360 The earned value to date: $71,360 Cost Variance: $0 CPI: $0 References Fleming, Q. 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